The world's first do-it-yourself farm management solution
CropX is the world’s first fully do-it-yourself agronomic farm management solution. CropX provides growers and their advisors with a suite of agronomic planning and decision-making tools for monitoring growing conditions, optimizing input use, and maximizing results. While the initial focus of CropX was irrigation management, the platform now includes additional capabilities such as disease management, and nutrition management.
Crop management real-time monitor for growing conditions
The CropX farm management platform includes hardware for collecting data below ground, software for combining and analyzing data from a variety of sources to create actionable insights, and an easy-to-use user interface dashboard for accessing data and insights.

Featured CropX Farm Management Tools

The simplest, most efficient and precise way to manage irrigation powered by CropX’s artificial intelligence and patented soil moisture sensor.
CropX is deployed on over 10,000 fields, 50 countries, across all arable continents, on over 80 crop types. Users include smallholder family farms as well as multinational agribusinesses with thousands of partner farms.
The irrigation prescription
constantly adapts to the changing conditions of the soil and weather, based on the user’s irrigation type, soil type and texture, crop type and variety, precise weather information and more.
CropX hardware and software are designed to overcome obstacles to digital transformation from a focus on easy installation and set up to overcoming connectivity challenges in remote areas.
A CropX sensor could be installed by anyone within 5 minutes, allowing large scale farms deployment over short time periods.

The most tested and reliable digital disease management advisor in the market provides guidance on exactly when, where, and what to spray.
Enabling growers to precisely time chemical applications, ensuring crop yield and quality are protected and resource use is optimized.
The platform advises on the best day and time to apply chemicals to minimize the risk of drift or runoff.
CropX disease management helps farmers potentially reduce the number of spray applications and amount of crop protection chemicals used.
The CropX model was able to accurately identify conditions where the time between sprays could be stretched to 2-3 weeks without risking yield. It is the most complete solution with coverage for over 80 crop varieties.
The system has been validated by top tier universities and crop protection manufacturers and has been used and trusted by farmers around the globe for over 25 years.

Crop & Soil
All the tools needed to monitor real-time growing conditions and optimize crop performance.
- Satellite imagery
- Multi-layer soil moisture
- Salinity
- Temperature
- Growing degree days
- Crop coefficients
- Weather data and more.
Vegetation health indices
including NDVI, SAVI, moisture index, help optimize planting and harvesting dates by integrating crop models with satellite imagery.
Crop specific recommendations, adjusted to crop growth stage, are provided by combining analyzed root depth with satellite imaging and specific crop protocol.
Crop specific recommendations, adjusted to crop growth stage, by
combining analyzed root depth with satellite imaging and specific crop protocol. By analyzing crop growth against known crop models, CropX can detect any deviation from such baseline, and identify early stage field variability and non-uniformity of crop growth and alert the user

The first solution of its kind for continuously monitoring salinity and nitrogen leaching to ensure soils can support crop production.
CropX combines data from the patented CropX soil sensor and proprietary algorithms
created and lab tested by CropX agronomists to bring the industry’s first salinity and nitrogen leaching solution.
The continuous monitoring of nitrogen movement in the soil enables users to adjust nitrogen, irrigation, and fertigation based on real time conditions and
ensuring nitrogen is available to the plants while minimizing loss from it moving below the root zone. Users can track and report a season long view of nitrogen leaching events to
demonstrate responsible nitrogen management.
The CropX solution for salinity monitoring is easier, less time consuming and able to supply immediate results compared to the conventional lab soil sample
method of measurement (saturated paste Electric Conductivity).